Saturday, 7 March 2009

The Qur'an and Science

"The relationship between the Qur'an and scientist is... surprise, especially when it turns out to be one of harmony and not of discord."
--Dr. Maurice Buccaile- "The Bible, The Qur'an and Science."

Thus wrote a French scientist after studying verses from the Qur'an that made references to scientific subjects. Indeed, the Qur'an is a book which mentions aspects of nature and whatever is found within it as well as provides guidance.
Many research studies have been written which have shown that everything said in the Qur'an about science is accurate and consistent with what we know in science today.
While we may not immediately think that that's anything special, when we remember that the Qur'an was given to the Blessed Prophet Muhammad (p) about 1 500 years ago it becomes an amazing miracle!
None of the things mentioned in the Qur'an about plants, animals, the Earth, space and humans were known at that time. It was completely new information.
What is even more spectacular is that the Blessed Prophet lived in the middle of Arabia, which at that time, was the most out of the way and backward place in the world. There were no schools, no scientists or any universites.
But Allah doesn't make scientific statements in the Qur'an just to impress us. Instead, He uses them as Signs, or proofs, for us to believe in Him and to follow the way of living He wants for us, i.e. Islam.
Muslims have never beed against science, although the Christian world had been for many centuries. Allah commands us to look at the universe and than we will see the signs of Allah's power and become real believers. (2:164)


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