Friday 27 February 2009

How Do I Use the Qur'an?

The Qur'an: Treat it With Respect
"Now proof has come to you from your Lord. If anyone cares to see, it will be for (the good) of his own soul. If anyone would be blind, it will be for (the bad) of his own soul." (6:104)
Thus, Allah warns us that we can either have our eyes open to the truth or be blind to it. The proof Allah speaks about the Qur'an and all the miraculous statements it makes. Will anyone listen in time?
But the Qur'an is not a book that is to be kept just lying around, to be thumbed through when ever and where ever one may be: on a train, in the kitchen, lying on the floor.
If a person wants to gain benefit from this book than they must respect it and approach it with a certain sense of reverence. It is not like any other book; therefore, must be treated and used in a certain manner
If your teacher let you borrow a book for a report, you wouldn't just throw it around and leave it under your bed. Why should the Qur'an be treated that why? It is, after all, the instruction manual Allah gave to us for how to live a better life and save our souls in the life to come.
To proceed, then, we must become aware of the Etiquette, or manners, for using the Qur'an. It's not hard to learn, and if you have the awareness in your heart that the Qur'an is a special book, you will be overjoyed to learn how to treat it with respect.


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