what islam is all about

Tuesday, 31 March 2009

Fasting (SAUM)

Every year during the 9th month of the Islamic lunar calendar (Ramadan), all Muslims must fast from dawn until sundown, abstaining from food, drink and sexual relations. Those who are sick, elderly, or on a journey and women who are menstruating, pregnant or nursing, are permitted to break the fast and and make up an equal number of days later in the year if they are healthy and able. Children begin to fast (and to observe prayers) from puberty although many start earlier. The end of Ramadan is marked by the great Eid al Fitr celebration. Although fasting is beneficial to health, it is mainly a method of self-purification and self-restraint. By cutting oneself off from worldly comforts, ever for a short time, a fasting person focuses on his or her purpose in life by constantly worshipping and being aware of the presence of the Creator, Allah.

"The month of Ramadan in which was revealed the Quran, a guidance for
mankind, and clear proofs of the guidance, and the Criterion (of right and
wrong). And whoever sights (the moon), let him fast the month"
The Heifer 2:185)

*As the Sun begins to set it creates a spectacular display. Muslims must break their fast immediately after sundown.

* Following the practice (Sunnah) of Propher Muhammad (p), Muslims break the fast with an odd number of dates. Dates have been a staple food of the Middle East for thousands of years. It is believed to have originated around the Persian Gulf and has been cultivated in ancient times from Mesopotamia to prehistoric Egypt, possibly as early as 6000 BCE.

* The Islamic calendar is based on lunar months which means that, celebrations, festivals and important occasions such as Ramadan do not remin fixed in a particular season, but travel through the seasons.

Charity (ZAKAH)

An important principle of Islam is that everything belongs to Allah and wealth is held by human beings in trust. The word Zakah means both 'purification' and 'growth' and forms the third pillar of Islam. Possessions are purified by setting aside a proportion for those in need and and for society in general. Like the pruning of plants, this cutting back balances and encourages new growth. Each Muslim must calculate his or her own Zakah individually. This involves the annual payment of a fortieth of one's capital, excluding such items as primary residence and transport.

An individual may also give as much as he or she pleases as Sadaqah. Although this word can be translated as 'voluntary charity' it has a wider meaning as shown by the following sayings. Prophet Muhammad (p) said: "Charity is a necessity for every Muslim." He was asked: "What if a person has nothing?" Prophet Muhammad (p) replied: "He should work with his own hands for his benefit and then give something out of such earnings in charity." The Companions of Propher Muhammad (p) said: "He should urge others to do good." The Companions said: "What if ne lacks that also?" Prophet Muhammad (p) said: "He should check himself from doing evil. That is also an act from doing charity." In another narration, a man asked Propher Muhammad (p) : "What (deeds) of Islam is good?" Propher Muhammad (p) replied, 'To feed (the poor) and greet those whom you know and those whom you do not know." (Recorded in Saheeh Bukhari).

Monday, 30 March 2009

Prayer (SALAH)

Salah is the name for the prayers that are performed five times a day and are a direct link between the worshipper and Allah. There are no intermediaries between Allah and the worshipper. There is no hierarchical authority in Islam such as priests. Prayers are led by a learned person who knows the Quran and is generally chosen by the congregation.

The Adhaan is the Islamic call to prayer and is recited aloud by a person called the Muedhin. The call is usually made from a minaret of a mosque five times a day summoning the faithful to mandatory (Fard) prayers. There is also a second call known as Iqaama that summons Muslims to line up for the beginning of the congregational prayers.

Prayers are performed at dawn (Fajr), midday (Dhuhr), late afternoon (Asr), sunset (Maghrib) and nightfall (Isha) and thus determine the rhythm of the entire day. In fact, visitors to the Muslim world are quite often struck by the centrality of prayers in daily life. The five prescribed prayers contain verses from the Quran and are recited in Arabic. However, personal supplications can be offered in one's own languageand at any time. Although it is preferable to worship together in a mosque, a Muslim may pray almost everywhere.

Fajr: as long as the sun has not risen.

Dhuhr: when the sun passes the meridian and man's shadow is the same as his height as long as the time for the afternoon prayer has not come.

Asr: as long as the sun has not become pale.

Maghrib: as long as the twilight has not ended.

Isha: is up to the middle of the average night.

The Declaration of Faith (SHAHAADAH)

"Laa ila-ha illal-lah Muhammad-ur Rasoolullah"
"There is none worthy of worship except Allah and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah"
The first pillar is the declaration of faith in Islamic Monotheism that is, to bear witness to the following, 'There is none worthy of worship except Allah and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah'. In Arabic this simple formula is reffered to as the Shahaadah.
For Muslims, the only purpose in live is to serve and obey Allah and to do this believers must firstly announce the Shahaadah. This statement contains a negation followed by an affirmation.
In order to believe in the worship Allah, a Muslim is first required to reject the actions and beliefs that contradict or transgress the Right of Allah. This is achieved through following the teachings and practices of the Last Prophet Muhammad (p). Hence, the Shahaadah forms the most important pillar of Islam and needs to be said with conviction and understanding in order for someone to become a Muslim.

The Five Pillars of Islam

(maybe you can think everyone know this... but believe me! - I did not know this 3 years ago)

Wednesday, 25 March 2009

Divine Decree

Day of Judgment

Friday, 20 March 2009

Revealed Books

Prophets and Messengers

Thursday, 19 March 2009

The Angels

Belief in Allah

Wednesday, 18 March 2009

The Six Pillars of Belief

Friday, 13 March 2009

What Do Muslims Believe?

Where do Muslims stand? The answer may surprise you for we can agree with aspects of both sides. Islam teaches us that Allah's creation is vast and beyond our comprehension. We are also taught that the more we explore and learn, the more we will come to believe in Allah. That is the Islamic position.

So we assert without any hesitation that Allah caused the creation of the universe and that He set up the laws for its functioning. As Allah said:

"Behold! In the creation of space and the Earth and in the changing of night into day are indeed signs for people of understanding. Those who remember Allah standing, sitting and lying down, and contemplate the (wonders) of creation in space and the Earth. (They declare,) "Our Lord! You didn't create all of this for nothing. So save us from the punishment of the fire." (3:190-191)

Science, then, must increase out faith. It is wrong for anyone to close their eyes to what is right in front of them. For hundreds of years people have been finding fossils, bones and ancient artifacts which point to a hidden past we don't know much about. Allah even commands us to travel over the Earth and learn from what we see. We humans have now seen much to challenge our understanding!

We know that Earth existed long before the appearance of humans. Allah says: "Wasn't there a long period of time before humans were even mentioned?" (76:1)

We also know from the geologic timetable that the Earth went through many ages before we came here. And in the ayat that mentions this proof of Allah, we are given a very strong clue about the adaptability of life forms to their environment.

Allah said, "Don't you see that Allah sends rain from the sky? With it We produce plants of various colors. And in the mountains are colored layers, white and red of various tones and some black in hue. And so too, among humans and crawling creatures and cattle. They are of various colors. Those among Allah's servants who have knowledge truly fear Him, for Allah is Mighty and Forgiving." (35:27-28)

So while we agree with the Creationists who say Allah made the universe, we disagree with them on how fast it was constructed and that Earth is only center of focus for the Creator. Allah declares Himself to be the Lord of All the World: Rabbul Alameen.***

Because we do not reject the evidence presented to us by Paleontologists (fossil hunters) and other scientists, we can accept some of what they say, also, about the origins of life on Earth and the existence of dinosaurs and other creatured in the fossil record. However, we read in Allah's book that He caused it to happen and that by studying it we increase our faith in Him. Therefore, we disagree with those who say everything happend without Allah, by mere chance only.

"To Allah belongs the control of space and the Earth and Allah has power over all things. (3:189)

Ours is the middle position even as Allah said we were created to be the middle community: never going to extremes. (2:143) So we don' accept, based on the evidence, the final position of both sides. Rather, we accept what appears to be true and reject what appears to be false from each. The Qur'an is our standard, our detenminer, and it has never let us down, nor will it ever do so.

For a Muslim, then, the evidence of dinosaurs, trilobites and ancient algae is not threat to our beliefs. Rather, it is a confirmation of the power of Allah. As Allah said, "He has created horses and mules for you to ride and show; and He has created other (creatures) that you don't know." (16:8)

"Allah created every creature from water. Of them are some that creep on their bellies, some that walk on two legs and some that walk on four. Allah creates what He wills for He has power over all things. We have indeed sent signs that make things clear and Allah guides whom He wills to the straight way. (24:45-46)

*** Ortodox Jews and Fundamentalist Christians believe the Earth is only 7,000 years old! Scientists have estimated the age of the Earth to be about 4.5 billion years old.


These discoveries in themselves are not harmful to a healthy belief in Allah's creative power to make whatever He wills in whatever way He wishes. But some scientists have tried to say that everything in the universe, even life itself, happened all by chance and accident, without any Divine intervention.

The name of this theory is Evolution and its most famouse advocate was a man named Charles Darwin (1809-1882). He was an Englishman who lived during the nineteenth century when Britain ruled most of the world.

He was keenly interested in the origin of life and took a journey around the world to study plants and animals on Earth. The ship he sailed on was named the HMS Beagle. He spent a particularly long amount of time in the Galapagos Islands, located in Pacific ocean, examining birds, lizards and giant turtles.

He came to believe that the variety of life in our world was due to what he called "Natural Selection" and "Survival of the Fittes." He wrote his findings in a book entitled, "On the Origin of Species" which he published in 1859.

The book immadiately caused a controversy in the Christian world because Christianity taught that God made life in an instant and the Earth was the center of importance in the universe. Christians also felt threatened by Darwin's teachings because they knew it meant that he was saying everything happened without needing God. To this day, many Christians still oppose and do battle in court over whether or not these theories should be taught in school.

These Christians advance the counter - idea of Creationism, or God making things all at once, while modern scientists still promote Evolution, or things happening by themselves accidentally, gradually and naturally. The two sides are as far apart as ever.

Thursday, 12 March 2009


What Do We Know about the Origins of Life?

Today, scientists tell us that life began in the seawhen simple molecules bonded together and became self-replicating, or self-reproducing. These single-celled organisms, quickly took on the characteristics of what we know as algae.
They received their energy from the sun in a process termed Photosynthesis, and as a result of their activity, new gases formed in the air creating a viable environment for more complexforms of life.
As Muslims we can either accept this theory, reject it or modify it according to what we know in Allah's revelation. Allah said He created all life from water and raised a protective canopy over the Earth. Allah knows best and all what we can do is study, research, test and reflect.
Scietists further tell us that over millions of years, the firs organisms blossomed gradually into many different types and shapes, resulting in plant life, plankton, arthropods and simple fishes. Dinosaurs, higher creature and mammals followed.

  • The photosynthesis of primitive, single-called organisms aided in the development of a protective blanket of gases and electro-magnetic layers around the Earth. Today there are seven layers to the sky.

They are:

  • 1. The Troposphere
  • 2. Stratosphere
  • 3. Mesosphere
  • 4. Thermosphere
  • 5. Exosphere
  • 6. Ionosphere
  • 7. Magnetosphere

"So (Allah) completed the seven skies in two periods of time and to each He assigned its duty and power." (41:12 also see 65:12)

Tuesday, 10 March 2009

The History of the Universe - Qur'anic Style

Everything was compacted together and then Allah made it split apart. Gases, matter and anti-matter spread throughout the universe and stars, planets, black holes, anti-matter geysers and other things were formed. This is called "Big Bang" (21:30;41:11)

Allah is expanding the size of the universe. Even galaxies and stars are moving away from each other. (51:47)

The Earth is very old and came into existence long before humans ever appeared. The different colored layers in the rock table provide us with a geologic timeline of our planet's history. (35:27-28;76:1-2;79:28)

Allah created a protective canopy over the Earth that we call the ozone layer. It is constantly shielding out harmful ultra-violet radiation. (2:22; 21:32; 31:32; 40:64; 79:28)

Allah spread the Earth out and caused the crust, or outer covering, to form like a carpet over the planet surface for us. Then He created mountains in the Earth like "tent pegs" to keep it from being unstable. (The formation of mountains acts as a kind of "brake" or buffer zone between the tectonic "plates" which make up Earth's crust.) (71:19-20; 88:19-20; 78:6-7)

Monday, 9 March 2009

Some Scientific marvels of the Qur'an (UNIVERSE)

Everything was compacted together and then split apart. Gases spread throughout the universe and stars, planets and others things were formed. (21:30;41:11)

Some Scientific marvels of the Qur'an (BREATHING)

People have trouble breathing when they ascend to very high elevations. The lungs become constricted. Even planes need pressurized cabins so people can breath easily. No one knew this back then. (6:125)

Some Scientific marvels of the Qur'an (WATER)

Water is the basis of all life. Allah created all life from water. (24:45)

Some Scientific marvels of the Qur'an (GRAVITY)

Human can only break free of Earth's gravity and enter space with great rocket engines. Allah says humans can only venture into space with powerful tools to use. (55:33)

Some Scientific marvels of the Qur'an (SPACE)

There is life on some other planets. Allah says that every creature in space (as-sama') and on Earth have to follow Him and that He spread life throughout space and the Earth.
(all ayat refering to extra-terrestial life are as follows: 30:26; 24:41; 19:93-95; 16:29; 23:17; 65:12; 55:29; 42:29; 3:83)

Some Scientific marvels of the Qur'an (PLANTS)

Plants have both male and famale reproductive organs. All plants were created with paired organs. (20:53;22:5;31:10;13:3;36:36)

Some Scientific marvels of the Qur'an (CLOUDS)

The action of the wind over the seas pulls moisture along and collects it together in clouds. The clouds are spread, again, by wind currents and then break up as rain falls from within them. (30:48;24:43)

Some Scientific marvels of the Qur'an (OCEAN)

Allah likens the state of an unbeliever to that of a person in the dark depths of the ocean. He cannot see his hand in front of his face and his under layers of darkness. Remember that the Prophet (p) had never ever seen the ocean before nor did anyone ever dive to the deep recesses of the ocean at that time. People didn't know, at that time, that the bottom of the ocean is dark. (24:40)

Some Scientific marvels of the Qur'an (PREGNANCY)

A pregnancy occurs only when the ova and sperm unite. Then the fertilized egg "clings" ('alaq) in the womb. The fetus grows in stages untill it is ready to be born.(23:14;40:67;75:37-38;23:14;5:22)

Some Scientific marvels of the Qur'an (MOON/SUN)

The moon is referred to as "Munir" or a light reflector, while the sun is referred to as a "Siraj" or light producer. (25:61;71:15-16;78:12-13)
(Image © 2005 by Hong Zhao)

Sunday, 8 March 2009

Some Scientific marvels of the Qur'an (SALT AND FRESH WATER)

Salt water and fresh water do not mix easily. There is a "barrier" between them.


Some Scientific marvels of the Qur'an (SPIDER)

Many species of spiders are solitary. The famale may even eat the male after mating.
Allah mentions the spiders have the weakest homes of all. That just doesn't mean the webs! Their family structure definitely needs improvement! (29:41)

Some Scientific marvels of the Qur'an (ANTS)

Ants are almost all famales. Male ants are only produced once in a great while and quickly die after mating. All the worker ants, as well as the queen ants, are famales. Also, ants communicate with each other and have a "language" all their own.
The arabic word for "ant" is a male-pattern noun: "Al Naml". But in the Qur'an, Allah says that Prophet Suleiman heard an ant speaking to "her" fellow ants telling them to run and hide to avoid being stepped on. A feminine form of the verb, "to say" is used: "Qalat", "She said." The ant was indicated to be a famale. No one in the world at that time even knew that ants had different sexes! In ayat 27:19, Prophet Suleiman is said to have been amused at "her speech." (27:18-19)

Saturday, 7 March 2009

The Qur'an and Science

"The relationship between the Qur'an and scientist is... surprise, especially when it turns out to be one of harmony and not of discord."
--Dr. Maurice Buccaile- "The Bible, The Qur'an and Science."

Thus wrote a French scientist after studying verses from the Qur'an that made references to scientific subjects. Indeed, the Qur'an is a book which mentions aspects of nature and whatever is found within it as well as provides guidance.
Many research studies have been written which have shown that everything said in the Qur'an about science is accurate and consistent with what we know in science today.
While we may not immediately think that that's anything special, when we remember that the Qur'an was given to the Blessed Prophet Muhammad (p) about 1 500 years ago it becomes an amazing miracle!
None of the things mentioned in the Qur'an about plants, animals, the Earth, space and humans were known at that time. It was completely new information.
What is even more spectacular is that the Blessed Prophet lived in the middle of Arabia, which at that time, was the most out of the way and backward place in the world. There were no schools, no scientists or any universites.
But Allah doesn't make scientific statements in the Qur'an just to impress us. Instead, He uses them as Signs, or proofs, for us to believe in Him and to follow the way of living He wants for us, i.e. Islam.
Muslims have never beed against science, although the Christian world had been for many centuries. Allah commands us to look at the universe and than we will see the signs of Allah's power and become real believers. (2:164)

Friday, 6 March 2009

The conversion of 'Umar ibn al Khattab

Perhaps you are familiar with the story of how 'Umar ibn al Khattab became a believer. When he heard the Blessed Prophet was making many converts around Mecca, 'Umar became angry and volunteered, in a meeting of idol-worshippers, to kill Muhammad.
He then stormed through the streets with his sword drawn and vowed to murder him. (At that time, the idol-wordhippers of Mecca were determined to crush Islam.)

On his way, a man who knew him saw the angry look on 'Umar's face and asked him where he was going. When 'Umar replied that he was going to kill Muhammad, the man told him, "Perhaps you should take care of your own house first. Your sister and brother in law already accepted Islam."

When 'Umar heard this he became even angrier and ran off in the direction of his sister's house. When he got there, he heard someone reading something, and he pushed in the door violently. He saw his sister and her husband and another Muslim sitting and reading aloud off a paper.
"Did you became a Muslim!" He yalled.
When his sister, Fatimah bint al Khattab, said they did, he became enraged and started hitting Fatimah's husband. She tried to stop him from punching her husband and grabbed 'Umar.
'Umar swung around and hit his sister in the face. She fell to the ground in tears. She looked up at him and cried, "Do whatever you want to us! We are determined to die as Muslims!"
'Umar paused when he saw the blood on his sister's cheek. He felt terrible inside. He calmed down and stood silently, ashamed at what he had just done. After a minute he asked to see the pages she had been reading from. She told him to wash up with water first. When he finished bathing, he returned and was given the papers.
- On them were written verses from Surah TA HA. (20)
When he reached verse 14 he cried out, "Surely this is the Word of Allah! Take me to Muhammad right now!"
The other Muslim who was there, Khabbab, stood up and declared, "Umar! Good news for you. It seems the prayer of the Holy Prophet which he said last night has been answered in your favor. He had prayed to Allah, 'O Allah, strengthen Islam with either 'Umar ibn al Khattab or 'Umar ibn Hisham. Whomever You please." (12:108)
When 'Umar was brought to the Blessed Prophet, he asked him, " 'Umar, why have you come?"
'Umar replied, "I am here to accept Islam!" When the other Muslims there heard these worlds the shouted for joy and calls of, Allahu Akbar," "Allah is the Greatest!" rang through the streets. The idol-worshippers were stunned. All it took was a few verses from Holy Qur'an to change his heart - those pages and the will and guidance of Allah.

Sunday, 1 March 2009


Today was my BIG BIG BIG Day!

I was in Islamic school for kids, they was all in theatre kids, their parents, teachers and some other people - there was maybe 500 people.
First a young boy recited Qur'an - sourah Al-Fatiha and Yassin very beautiful!
and other boy was singing nasheed <3

Than they gave awards for kids who were hard working and had great results in exams! and for the most improved kids.

and than... :)

aww :) one sister came for me... Iman said that someone will today say SHAHADA and start to explain shahada... Me... I came to stage to some sisters...

... Iman called me and sister Amina :) she asked me if I am ready and I... I said it :')
I said Shahada in front of all this people and I had tears in my eyes :') People was happy, wished me all the best and hugged me, kissed me... Oh how beautiful feeling and DAY!
