What Does Allah Look Like?
A fundamental belief of Muslims is that Allah has no form or shape that we can comprehend. Allah does not look like His creation and we are not created in the form of Allah, nor do we make forms with our own hands and worship them claiming them to be Allah. Allah gives us certain information in the Quran about Himself, but rather than spend months and years debating the exact description of His form, this information is only given to us in an attempt for us to have an understanding - the exact details however, are known to Allah alone. Allah is Perfect and His Image is Majestic and beyond what we can comprehend. In a very simple and comprehensive verse of the Quran, Allah tells us about Himself...
"... There is nothing like unto Him and He is the One that hears and sees
(all things)."Quran, Consultation 42:11
so no one knows what Allah looks like?
PLEASE ANSWER!!!! i reallyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy need to know!
He is a basically a Devine light and has no physical form.
Allah describes about him self in Surah "Ikhlas" (Surah 112)
He is Allah, the One and Only"
Allah, the Eternal, Absolute;"
He begetteth not, nor is He begotten"
And there is none like unto Him"
There is nothing that we can compare to him. but he sees, hears all things what ever exist. and allah will show him self for the peaople of jannah. so he has has a face but his face is nothing related or comparalbe to what is created or what we picture of him. no he is not even light(what we think white and bright). If we ponder over his creation we able to understand and get closer to Allah.
"He is a basically a Devine light and has no physical form."
Then why do you call Allah a "he"?
we call allah "he" to respect him , we cant call him "it" even though he is not a male,not a female nor the third
Allah has a physical form, those people are kafir who call Allah shape less. In Holy Quaran there is Ayat on his hand, leg, eye, ear, it is also written he will seat on a chair on final judgement day. It is now proved Allah has shape... To know more about Allah visit
Greatest Sufi ever for mankind....
So theres no such thing as allah because its a made up bullshit story to make people follow a dumbass religion......
I am a Muslim myself it I'd forbidden to know what Allah looks like. In my religion it is a sin to even think how he looks like and, pretend to be him. I have seen a lot a videos on YouTube of people saying they are god.
Okay, if he begotten not, then how can explain that an angel spoke to Muhammad? Angels speak Aramaic then who created the human being to interpret? Allah is a word for God. Yeshua the Law, love your neighbor.
You are all just dancing about the question probably because you have no answer
What a load of crap haha
He lives in B19 Birmhgiham
Allah will make all of you who are making fun of him face the most indescribable pain on the day of judgement insha allah. Every believer reading this, stay stong, don't mind these people, believe in Allah, worship him, ask for forgivenees, try not to commit haram and you will be guaranteed a place in jannah
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